Satisfaction Guarantee

Our guarantee guidelines:

We value each and every customer and appreciate your business. Here's our commitment to you.

  • We will do our very best to exceed your expectations of a cleaning company
  • "When you call us, we'll call back." Today if we can, but no later than tomorrow. Its our 24 hour call back policy. (Excludes Sunday's and Holidays.)
  • "We want to know it's right." If you have a problem with our services please let us know immediately and we will do our very best to resolve any issue within 48 hours.
  • The anti-"no-show" policy: Nothing is more annoying than being stood up by a Service Company. If we fail to show up in the scheduled time frame without calling prior to reschedule we will apply a 20% discount to your next invoice. 

We are fully tax compliant and have the required Public, Employer and Contractor All Risk Insurances in place.